Compassion – a feeling, a ‘thing’ and is it always work in progress?


I was privileged to be asked to graphically record at an event at St Bartholomew’s  Hospital recently, where a colleague was speaking on the importance of compassion. As he spoke I contemplated how to ‘draw’ ‘Compassion’  and was struck how hard it is to describe, never mind  ‘draw’ emotions.

It’s a bit like LOVE do you describe ‘love’? The love for your partner, love for your children, your friends, love of food or love of music? We all have our own thoughts and indeed, feelings on this tiny but momentous word. Love is something we describe in very personal ways and therefore it is hard to evoke appropriate images such a small word.

So my dilemma? How would you draw ‘compassion’? How do you describe it?  It is a part of the NHS Chief Nurses 6Cs messages- those being competence, communication, commitment, care, courage and compassion. All these ‘C’s have been defined as being key to offering the best possible care the NHS  can to patients , carers and families.  The audience at the event described compassion in many ways, linkage to care they had received, thoughtfulness, generosity of spirit , time and thought, people being ‘human’ was another description. What I decided to do as to draw an ‘interaction\ between two people and to record some of the wonderful descriptions and stories people  shared. The results are shown below. I hope I managed to get the essence of what was being expressed.

compassion 2 compassion respect

I hope I could convey the feelings that were expressed, and so for compassion, I strive to be as compassionate as I can and expand my skills in conveying the emotions we feel.

COMPASSION – an easy word to write, harder to draw, but thankfully for many , it is the emotion ,the feeling the’thing’ that is easiest to just do!

mf ashley poster

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That ‘Back to School’ stationery thing! – is it just me ?


I still love crayons and coloured pens

I wonder sometimes… is just me that loves coloured pens and crayons, coloured paper, files, folders and pretty stationery. Is it just me that needs a new fresh notebook for every new project, new year or new job?

I love visiting art supply shops, ‘Paperchase’ and WH Smith with their wonderful kaleidoscope colours of files folders, pens , paints and pencil cases. The ‘back to school’ joy for me was not getting a new uniform or new shoes even, but that wonderful feeling of packing my school bag with new pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, notebooks, folders and felt tip pens. The reward of new stationary was sufficient compensation for loosing those lazy days across the long summer break.

I don’t think I have grown up much as I still wander through Paperchase at Euston Station when I have time.  I NEED nothing  ( believe me I have enough pens, notebooks and folders to stock a shop ) but I love the look and feel of pretty stationery. I love the first writing on a fresh new notebook!

…..and when it comes to drawing, i Love Sharpie pens, pastels, chunky markers and drawing pencils that help me produce colourful fun pictures and images. In my ‘tool kit’ I have also have low tack tape for posting paper on walls, erasers for those inevitable mistakes and hairspray for ‘setting’ the pastel colours and stopping smudging. ( PS I find the cheaper versions of hairspray  work best, leaving me to use Elnett on my hair ) 

I believe I am just half the equation in producing colourful pictures and images, my trusty and loved stationery form the perfect partner in my wonderful and fulfilling hobby.

a final piece and my 'travelling' stationary kit

a final piece and my ‘travelling’ stationary kit











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Effective networks & what I am learning about graphics!



What I am learning on my exciting journey of using graphics to convey messages , is that key messages often  come up again and again. I have drawn similar graphic clips at various different meetings because often we are  tackling similar problems and issues. It reinforces areas that we can always improve on , for example effective communications and it is also giving me  a bank  of images  I can use, re-use, practice and perfect!

Please have a look at this great clip, all about building effective networks for improvement. I love the analogy and imagery used to covey  the message.

When I talk about re- using images  I thought how my ‘tyre’ image could have been used in this piece. Just a  small addition to reinforce the message to NOT to re-invent the wheel and use the existing evidence base, as well as always looking for new and innovative ways to work.

I think the world of the ‘corporate video’ are long behind us and the increase of use of sites such as YouTube, Pinterest , Snapchat and InstaGram to name but a few,  have given rise to fast, effective and often innovative  ways of conveying our core messages.  For me these ‘graphics’ bring the message to life, and I am  more likely to remember  them …….however , when building effective networks and strong relationships, there is nothing like a real chat and a coffee!

As with everything in life, we need a balance.

Posted in graphic facilitation, graphic recording, networks, NHS, quality improvement, shared purpose

Don’t re- invent the wheel ! So often we try to make things better and disregard what others have already tried. It’s key we share and learn from each other …. Don’t Re-invent the wheel. Look at the existing evidence!


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Laughter is the best medicine

hear the laughter not the buzzers

When asked what they felt was ‘compassionate care’…nurses from Barts Healthcare said …..amongst other things …that hearing the sound of laughter and warmth in communication was evidence of compassionate care , not hearing the warning buzzers.  Patients feeling safe and secure. I agree!


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NHS Change Day 2014 and graphic recording

As a part of the NHS Change Day 2014 , I pledged to volunteer time to graphically facilitate and record for some NHS organisations. The idea for my pledge was help the NHS communicate messages and thoughts of the staff and patients in a visual rather than ‘written’ way.

In my opinion, pictures can demonstrate so much more than words. In addition , the graphic produced becomes a permanent record for staff and patients to refer back to remind them of what happened on the day.

So it was on a sunny March morning I made my way round the M25 to  Queens Hospital in Romford. They had a NHS Change Day stall set up in their atrium area with lots of NHS Change Day  branded materials to  share with staff and patients to explain  what NHS Change Day is all about. ( For more info please visit )

So usually I position my paper on a wall so I can draw straight onto the paper. However, in that atrium there was no wall for me to tape up my paper! So…..  I taped my paper up the outer side of the escalator.

The funny thing is that I was then drawing at a 30 degree angle! it did look strange  !

As staff came to talk to us and consider what they could pledge , I started to ‘draw’ their pledges. They ranged from simple things like smiling more, to bringing wheelchairs abandoned in the car-park back to the hospital, to increasing access to research projects and not ‘DNA-ing’ appointments. Very varied pledges , all heartfelt and collectively showing the passion of the staff to improve things for their patients.

pledge NOT to DNA

Help make patients experiences as good as possible!

Help make patients experiences as good as possible!

It was a great day, I met some inspirational people, heard firsthand about some great pledges………. and here is the final result!

NHS CD Romford graphic March 2014


I had feedback that the hospital staff were really pleased with the result. So much so , they produced some coloured copies which they have put in the wards. I have to say , that is just the best feedback I could have received. So a massive thank you to them all for looking after me and making me feel so welcome.

Queens posters for all the wards Queens Nurses holding graphic

I would love to go back and see how they did with their pledges.  Maybe that will be possible one day !


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